Ongoing Learning…

This site has recently shown itself to be a tool for myself and I hope others, as a way to continue the growing process that is life. To remain an in tune, in step library in the world today continuing education is essential. We all want a life of contentment and security but we often overlook the point that we also want a life that is not boring. How do we overcome that? We try new things, we embrace new techniques, new foods, new friends, new places and despite conservative political ideologies, new ideas. Most of these things we need to learn about as we move forward. The best way to do that is often read a book, either old school on paper with hard leather covers or from that new electronic device you are holding in your hand. The results are very much the same and the method is time tested and honored. Read, practice, repeat, oh yeah and have fun or at least be satisfied doing it.

If you have a new pursuit that interests you stop by the library and let us know, we can get books :-)