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Select meeting minutes :

Trenton Board of Trustees

July 12, 2016

Trenton, NE



A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Trenton, NE, was convened in open and public session, Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 6:30p.m. at the Village Office.  Present:  Chairman Rundel, Trustees Frakes, and Neely, Village Attorney Schroeder, Clerk McKain, Deputy Clerk Rife, Superintendent Vrbas (arrived late), Lacey Alig, Luke Alig, Bob Brown, Larry Evans, Curtis Kayton, Mike Matheson, Phil McDonald, Mary Nichols, and Paul Nichols.  Board members McArthur and Poppert were absent.  Availability of the agenda was communicated in advance notice and in the notice sent to the Chairman and Trustees of the meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the meeting was open to the public.


Roll Call was taken at 6:40pm and quorum was verified.


Chairman made “Open Meeting Act” announcement.


Citizen Forum:  Lacey Alig discussed that Trenton lacks daycare providers.  Ms. Alig asked if the Board would be willing to help with opening a daycare.  She stated there were some funding sources that may be able to assist with the start-up and continuation of the daycare.  The Board were not opposed to the idea and would look at some properties in which may be utilized.  Ms. Alig and Mr. Rundel would meet to discuss the issue further.


Motion made by Frakes and second by Neely to approve agenda. Ayes: Frakes, Neely and Rundel.  Nays: None.  Absent: McArthur and Poppert.  Motion carried. 


Meeting minutes from June 9, 2016 were not approved.


Motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to approve the June 21, 2016 meeting minutes.  Ayes: Frakes, Neely and Rundel.  Nays: None.  Absent: McArthur and Poppert.  Motion carried.


Motion made by Frakes and second by Neely to approve the treasurers report. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None.  Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion carried.


Utility Superintendent Reports: Electric Department: Vrbas reported the department was running well.  Water Department: Vrbas stated Sargent had been out to get measurements and will be out again to install the VFD.  Sewer Department: Vrbas stated the department is running well. Trash Department: Vrbas stated C. Relph had been ill and other village personnel would cover the tree branch site until he returns.  Street Department:  Vrbas stated cold patch had been completed on some streets.  Vrbas stated he would be spraying for mosquitos on Thursday mornings.  Park Department: Vrbas stated that the department was going well.  Pool Department:  Vrbas stated that the department was going smooth. 


Animal Control: Vrbas stated there are 24 cats and 178 dogs licensed within the village for the 2016 year.  There were 5 warnings for failure to license, 2 warning for running at large, 0 citations for failure to license and 0 citations for running at large during the month of June 2016. 


Village Office:  McKain stated there was one deposit to return this month, which was applied to the utility account. McKain stated review and updates were almost completed on the employee handbook and will be forwarded to the Village Attorney for review.  McKain stated the application for the 2016 scrap tire grant was approved.  The dates are July 18-24, 2016 with collection times of 9am to 4pm.  McKain stated advertisements have been in the Hitchcock County News and posted around town.  Rundel stated the gates would be locked to ensure additional tires are not unaccounted for to maintain the tonnage limit.  McKain provided a review of software for utility billing purposes.  Discussion was made and Rundel would like to wait for additional board input from the missing members. The codification project first draft was received and we are awaiting the legal and editorial report, which should be arriving next week.


Library: A motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to re-appoint K. Borg and P. Johnson to the Library Board for a term ending June 30, 2020. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion Carried.  Rundel asked if Mr. Evans had any potential replacements Mr. Brown’s term ending June 20, 2016.  Mr. Evans stated there were no candidates at this time.


Planning Commission: Mr. Evans stated the variance, preliminary platting for the proposed Doller General were approved and recommended the Village Board approve both.  A motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to approve the variance application of the proposed Dollar General. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion Carried.  A motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to approve the preliminary platting application of the proposed Dollar General. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion Carried.  Mr. Evans stated the planning commission will be working on additional annexation to the village limits.  A motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to approve the planning commission to begin proceedings to annex some properties into the village limits. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion Carried.


El Dorado Board: Rundel stated that they were working with the engineers to get everything completed for a new generator.


Housing Board – No information provided for the agenda.


Tree Board: Rundel stated Nebraska Forestry would provide a tree planting seminar in the fall.


Board of Health: No information provided for the agenda.


Unfinished Business: No update for the wind turbine project.  Vrbas stated the cement work was completed at the new street building.  Rundel asked if the broken light had been replaced.  Vrbas was not sure and would check.  Rundel stated he did not have an update from Miller and Associates; however a permit to perform work on the public right of way was received.  Rundel stated he had not received the fire marshal report on the Main Street building. Rundel was continuing to look for funds for the building remodeling.  Frakes stated he had toured the village and had a new list of properties that he or the clerk would be contacting for those owners to mow or clean up.  Rundel stated a review of a contract for an electric provider is in the works.  The Village Attorney will review the contract, and may need additional resources for the utility portion.  Rundel would like to have a possible review at the August Board meeting. 


Ordinance or Resolution: None


New Business:  C. Kayton provided information on the construction report for the period of January to June, 2016.  Kayton stated there were minor repairs made for a total of $3,841.19.  Caden would provide information on a consultant to review the electrical system.  He believed the price was between $6,000 and $9,000 for the consultant.  Kayton stated SWPPD representatives and others would be meeting with Rundel at the village office to continue discussions on the contract ending November 1, 2016.  A motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to accept the construction report and pay $3,841.19 on the next board meeting claims. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion Carried.  A motion made by Frakes and second by Neely to pay for a $500 insurance policy for the “bouncy houses” sponsored by Trenton Rec on Saturday, August 6, 2016 for the Harvest Festival.  Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel. Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert. Motion Carried.  Discussion was made on allowing ATV, UTV and Golf Carts to be driven within the corporate limits of the Village.  Rundel asked McKain to contact other villages to provide a draft ordinance to allow ATV, UTV and Golf Carts to be driving within the village limits.  Evaluations will be discussed at the July 29, 2016 meeting so that all board members would be available.


Correspondence: DHHS – Public Water Operators – Security Grant Application; DOR – Regional meeting dates; El Dorado Newsletter – July 2016; NE Law Enforcement – You Drink & Drive, You Lose Crackdown; Wind and Solar Conference, November 7-8, 2016 in Lincoln

Motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to approve Operating claims KENO claims, and Library claim. Ayes: Frakes, Neely, and Rundel.  Nays: None. Absent: McArthur and Poppert.  Motion carried.



1.    Payroll (2 pay periods)............................................................................... $18,477.85

2.    EFTPS, FED (June payroll tax).................................................................... 4,371.90

3.    NE Dept. of Revenue (June payroll tax).......................................................... 493.63

4.    NE Dept. of Revenue (June sales tax)......................................................... 2,397.42

5.    Aflac (Sup. Ins. July).......................................................................................... 32.70

6.    American Agricultural Lab (water samples)....................................................... 17.50

7.    American Funds (June IRA)............................................................................. 228.92

8.    Barco Municipal (grader blades)...................................................................... 321.60

9.    Blue Cross Blue Shield (July premium medical/dental)................................ 2,751.65

10.  C&K (toilet cap).................................................................................................... 5.35

11.  City of McCook (transfer station tickets)...................................................... 3,250.80

12.  Colonial Life (Sup. Ins.).................................................................................... 180.10

13.  Dewey, Nadine (library payroll)........................................................................ 265.96

14.  Eakes (black ink for printer)............................................................................... 67.98

15.  Evans, Larry (library payroll)............................................................................ 274.28

16.  Farmers Co-op (fuel/shop supplies).............................................................. 1,161.08

17.  First Bankcard (software, water samples, concession, tablet cases).............. 976.50

18.  Gerih Concrete (shop floor)......................................................................... 56,483.00

19.  Great Plains Communications (Phone/internet)............................................... 491.58

20.  Hay, Billy (materials, repair archway at park).................................................. 998.98

21.  Hitchcock County Court (court fees)................................................................. 51.00

22.  Ideal Linen Supply (shop towels)........................................................................ 25.97

23.  In the Swim (pool chemicals and supplies)...................................................... 261.36

24.  Jacobsenorr (attorney fees).......................................................................... 4,097.91

25.  KC Motor & Electric (water pump electrical check)........................................ 175.00

26.  Lakeside Sand & Gravel (white rock/light plant).............................................. 420.20

27.  Lang Diesel (#6A blades and freight)................................................................. 81.87

28.  League Builders (tree branch site keys, pvc pipe, sewer supplies)................... 70.97

29.  Leggott, Aaron (budget meeting bbq supplies)................................................... 43.62

30.  Lifetime Benefit solutions (June vision premium).............................................. 53.34

31.  MNB (June IRA)............................................................................................... 414.72

32.  McKain, Wendy (IIMC mileage, LONM acct. mileage)................................... 484.92

33.  Menards (sewer grinder, pvc pipe and fittings)................................................ 608.38

34.  Midlands Toxicology (pre-employment drug screens)....................................... 70.00

35.  MWC (10 2-yard dumpsters)......................................................................... 4,650.00

36.  National Insurance (June life, ad&d prem)......................................................... 25.56

37.  Nebraska DHHS Environ. Lab (water samples).............................................. 446.00

38.  Nick’s Dist. (pool concession supplies)............................................................ 153.84

39.  One Call Concept (diggers hotline).................................................................... 29.79

40.  Poppert, Austin (main street building)............................................................... 720.00

41.  R&L Sprinklers (service call, k-rain sport rotor)............................................... 119.00

42.  RW Welding (hyd. Hose x2)............................................................................. 128.20

43.  Rife, Samantha (np for sewage grinder)............................................................ 99.36

44.  Schroeder & Schroeder (Attorney fees)....................................................... 3,093.83

45.  Scoop Media (Publications/ad)......................................................................... 125.10

46.  Southwest Fertilizer (Prepaid propane)

a.    Fire Barn........................................................................................... (2,581.42)

b.    Light Plant.............................................................................................. (76.16)

47.  SWPPD (June billing $31,890.37; airport $28.00; north well $570.47;

south well $308.01)...................................................................................... 32,796.85

48.  Titan Machinery (#16 a/c repair)...................................................................... 173.63

49.  Topkote (armor coat)................................................................................... 34,921.74

50.  Tri-State Fire Exting. (check and tag extinguishers)........................................ 246.30

51.  Van Diest Supply (chemical for mosq. Fogging).......................................... 1,007.25

52.  Verizon (June billing)........................................................................................ 179.66

53.  Village of Trenton (utilities)............................................................................ 2,525.46

54.  Walmart (bulbs, clarifiers, supplies).................................................................. 134.49

55.  Western Tire (#16 service call, repair boots, labor).......................................... 330.20

56.  Wickizer, Lanessa (lifeguard cert. and cpr cert.)............................................. 335.00


EDM CLAIMS (EDM Checking Account): NONE


KENO CLAIMS (Keno Checking Account): NONE


LIBRARY CLAIMS (Library checking account):

         L1. Firstbank Card (amazon)................................................................................... 137.51

                        Pre-paid $110.53 of expenses – billing was $26.98


With no further business, motion made by Neely and second by Frakes to adjourn meeting at 8:25pm.  Ayes: Frakes, Neely and Rundel.  Nays: None.  Absent: McArthur and Poppert.  Motion carried.


A budget meeting on July 29, 2016 at 6:00pm is scheduled at the Village office.


Next regular meeting will be August 9, 2016 at 6:30pm in the Village Office.




John A. Rundel, Chairman

ATTEST:                                                                                                  Trenton Board of Trustees



Wendy L. McKain, Village Clerk

View list of available meeting minutes

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